
Clowning Around


Some people are afraid of clowns, and some aren’t.


Has anyone read the book It? No, just me? It is a 1986 book written by Stephen King, a horror masterpiece really. The story was so chilling that ABC made it into a two-part miniseries in 1990 staring Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown. Then, in 2017, a darker version of It was released. But the 1986 version is still the creepiest. Anyone know what I’m talking about? No, just me?

Anyway, a large part of the story takes place in the sewer. That’s where the monster who takes the form of Pennywise the Clown lives. That’s where he kills little kids. And that’s where the seven hero kids do battle with the clown (over and over again). I mention the story only because this week on Staten Island, five kids had to be rescued when they entered the sewer system after having walked through a cemetery. Sewers? Cemeteries? What else did they do, walk on railroad tracks looking for dead bodies? It’s like they were trying to reenact Stephen King’s books.

But the kids didn’t claim to be fans of the author, nor were they in the sewer to do battle with any evil clowns. In fact, they were so unprepared for their journey into the sewer that they got lost almost immediately. Fortunately, one of the boys had a cellphone, which he used as a flashlight and eventually to call 911.

But as I read the news reports, I couldn’t help but think about Stephen Kings’ book/movie. The sewer tunnel the Staten Island kids crawled through was dark and very tight, they said, which definitely would’ve had me thinking about clowns. But I just want to go on record as saying that I wish I didn’t automatically associate clowns with horrific scenarios. I wish I didn’t have that be-afraid-of-creepy-clowns disease, because I used to love clowns. No, that’s not true. I loved one particular clown. His name was Bozo the Clown, and he never terrorized anyone.

Bozo the Clown (you couldn’t just call him Bozo) was an important part of my childhood in the ’60s and maybe the ’70s (I don’t remember when I stopped watching him). I just remember rushing home from school at lunchtime to watch his show, which featured a studio audience. I envied those kids so much. Bozo the Clown told jokes, showed cartoons, and performed juggling acts. But I loved the games he played the most. It was like watching the Price Is Right hosted by a guy with a propensity to throw pies.

But nowadays I can’t even look at photos of Bozo the Clown without getting the shivers. I’m afraid Stephen King has permanently ruined him for me. In fact, I think Stephen King owes me back my childhood. You can expect to hear from my lawyer, Mr. King. Does anyone know if Jackie Chiles is available?
